Togolese Coastline
Masterplan Study & Environmental Assessment

The Togolese coastline, with its strong population, infrastructure, and economic activities, is at the heart of national policies to meet development challenges in a context of structural transformations and climate change. The latter is one of the major challenges to which the coastal zone is subject, which according to projections could aggravate existing problems such as coastal erosion, with a 20 m annual retreat at the most critical points (MOLOA, 2015), flooding and pollution from marine and land-based sources.

The objective of the Togolese Master Plan for Coastal Development is to draw up a diagnostic assessment of the defined study area to identify the challenges to be met, for which coastal development and governance strategies are proposed. The SDAL development mission is divided into five phases:

Phase 1: The territorial diagnosis presenting the dynamics underway in the study area.
Phase 2: The prospective analysis based on the technique of prospective scenarios which presents possible futures to guide an action-based strategy.
Phase 3: The dynamic coastal development plan which will consist of a territorial strategy based on proposals for measures/activities for adaptation and resilience to spatialized climate change.
Phase 4: The multi-risk strategic environmental assessment. 
Phase 5: The priority intervention programme and the means of implementation.

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