Social responsibility
Member of Engineers without Borders

For Inros Lackner being a nationally and internationally acting planning firm, both the transfer of knowledge and social commitment are a vital aspect of foreign operations beyond mere project work. It is important to not lose sight of the social situation in other countries. Our commitment will thus be concentrated in selected projects and supported in a targeted manner. As a member of Engineers without Borders, Inros Lackner wants to support the work of a non-profit humanitarian organisation, presenting engineering work from a different angle. A functioning water and energy supply or sanitation is often considered a standard that, however, cannot be taken for granted in countries with poverty and deprivation as primary factors. With their volunteer engagement, the members of Engineers without Borders solve pressing challenges in the areas of water and energy supply, sanitation or bridge construction, thus improving people's living conditions by securing infrastructural basic supply. Together with local partners, projects are being developed and implemented. For further information, please refer to

Picture: ©Ingenieure ohne Grenzen